Thursday, January 14, 2021

North Vancouver City Library pays homage to Squamish culture North Shore News

The COVID-19 pandemic devastated Hamilton County’s tourism economy, resulting in layoffs of more than a third of the County’s tourism workforce and a 24 percent drop in overall tourism spending. As a nationally recognized destination for youth and amateur sporting events, the strategy will focus on how best to leverage the County’s national reputation for sporting events and ensure that the entire regional economy benefits from this important economic cluster. Once completed, the strategy will examine the current tourism economy and identify future tourism market opportunities, using a broad body of information to develop a plan to support tourism recovery and resiliency, which will help increase employment opportunities and spur private investment in the area.

lgh home in the city program

The project will bring revitalization to the iconic structures, which will allow a complete Center for Metal Arts campus to be utilized for metalworks training, workforce development, education, and the heritage tourism industry. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 191 jobs, save 38 jobs, and leverage $350,000 in private investment. $3,000,000, matched by $758,270 in local investment, to the City of Henderson, Henderson/Henderson County, Kentucky, to support the construction of a new high pressure natural gas distribution line to service a new advanced technology paper mill in Kentucky. The project will help diversify and broaden the industrial base in Henderson County and Western Kentucky, while taking advantage of a growing market created through the pandemic and will provide a sustainable, clean business model that will be a significant contributor to the economic recovery of Western Kentucky. Once completed, the project will create and save jobs, and advance economic resiliency to an area that has been impacted by the decline in the coal industry.

How do I talk to others about COVID-19 vaccines?

The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 30 jobs, save 15 jobs, and leverage $70,000,000 in private investment. $4,625,000 to the Lummi Nation, Bellingham/Whatcom County, Washington, to support construction of a new retail marketplace for use by Indigenous artisans and craftspeople where they can sell their wares and continue to attract more tourism to the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 71 jobs, save 139 jobs, and leverage $186,688 in private investment. $5,755,280, matched by $1,438,820 in local investment, to the City of Fosston, Fosston/Polk County, Minnesota, to support the city of Fosston with helping to boost business growth by making infrastructure upgrades needed to expand the city’s existing airport industrial park in Minnesota. The project will provide expanded road, water, wastewater, and natural gas capacity to create eight new industrial park lots, as well as construction of a six-unit multi-use hangar at the airport to encourage new fixed-base operators to locate there.

$1,500,000, matched by $17,000 in local investment, to the City of Jacksboro, Jacksboro/ Jacks County, Texas, to support the construction of road and water infrastructure improvements to support business growth in the Jacksboro Business Park in Jack County, Texas. Once completed, the project will help better serve existing industries and create good-paying jobs, which will spur private investment and strengthen the regional economy. $2,504,000, matched by $626,000 in local investment, to the City of Gregory, Gregory/San Patricio County, Texas, to support making water infrastructure improvements needed to spur business growth in San Patricio County, Texas. The project will create improved water service and expanded capacity to support manufacturing and industrial business growth and job creation in the region.

COVID-19 Vaccines: Fall booster vaccinations

Its building and construction partnership, led by Fresno Workforce Development Board, will build on over a decade of partnership with unions and local employers by placing hundreds of individuals into well-paying jobs in the trades. To meet the needs of targeted underserved populations, the awardee has partnered with UniteUs to assess all participants for unmet service needs, connect them with tailored services, track outcomes, and identify gaps and disparities in real time. $2,096,893, matched by $734,374 in local investment, to the City of Ironton, Ironton/Lawrence County, Ohio, to support replacing and improving the industrial waterline and roadway to help provide an adequate supply of uninterrupted water for the city’s industrial area and its businesses in Ohio. $330,000, with no local match, to the Seneca Nation of Indians, Irving/Chautauqua County, New York, to support the implementation of the Economic Accelerator and Recovery project to establish a Visitor Economy Management Office and develop a waterfront development feasibility study. The project will increase the Seneca Nation’s capacity to sustain tourism initiatives, to attract visitors to the area, and to be resilient in the face of future economic downturns. $1,636,754, matched by $409,189 in local investment, to the Red River Regional Council, Grafton/Walsh County, North Dakota, to support the renovation of a Main Street building in Grafton, North Dakota, to develop a retail and business incubator space with a shared use commercial kitchen and support recovery from the coronavirus pandemic in the region.

lgh home in the city program

In addition, the project will meet the demand from local industries for a more reliable energy source and support recruitment of industry to the area. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 2 jobs, save 252 jobs, and leverage $30,000 in private investment. $3,249,350, matched by $2,021,050 in local investment, to the City of Pigeon Forge/City of Gatlinburg/Sevier County/City of Sevierville/Tennessee Department of Transportation, Pigeon Forge/Sevier County, Tennessee, to support road infrastructure improvements in Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, Sevierville and on U.S. 411 in Sevier County, Tennessee. The region is a regional tourism destination location and hosts many special events and activities each year, including the internationally recognized Wilderness Wildlife Week. For 31 years this free event open to the public has celebrated the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and the history of this region offering hundreds of free workshops, classes, hikes, environmental education programs, and performances attended by thousands of visitors each year. Installation of advanced smart signal technologies will provide near-term, cost-effective mobility and environmental benefits to optimize traffic flow and reduce congestion and greenhouse gas emissions.

Aboriginal Program Worker - Aboriginal Education Services - 977380

Once completed, the project will help determine the economic impact to advance the diversification plan supporting the development of a chemical cluster in the region to replace the economic reliance on traditional coal markets, which will help strengthen the regional economy, support private capital investment, and create jobs. $438,355, matched by $109,589 in local investment, to the Augustana University Association, Sioux Falls/Minnehaha County, South Dakota, to support the acquisition of supplies and equipment for the expansion of the nursing programs at Augustana University in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The project will help address the local and regional need for a more robust and resilient healthcare workforce and will result in approximately 353 additional nurses graduating from the programs at Augustana University and entering the healthcare over the next nine years. Once completed, the project will increase educational opportunities, which will support workforce development, bolster job creation, attract private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region.

Its financial services partnership, led by Fresno K-16 Collaborative, will build paid training opportunities including pre-apprenticeships and Registered Apprenticeships with leading employers. Its manufacturing partnership, led by San Joaquin Valley Manufacturing Alliance and Generation USA, will provide bootcamp training and individualized training pathways to meet demand from hundreds of local manufacturers. Its transportation, distribution, and logistics partnership, led by Madera Workforce Board, will meet demand from various local small- and medium-sized businesses that support two nearby port cities.

Once completed, the project will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities, spur private investment, and advance economic resiliency throughout the region. The project will help drive business back to the hospitality and tourism community, to enhance economic impact and reestablish tourism as the number one economic driver in the state. The new jobs created and retained will be in the hospitality sector, including retail, dining, lodging, and management and services positions at the facility. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 80 jobs, save 2 jobs, and leverage $1,200,000 in private investment. $4,812,600, matched by $1,357,400 in local investment, to the City of Pawtucket, Pawtucket/Providence County, Rhode Island, to support the construction of the Blackstone River Bikeway connecting Pawtucket and National Park Services Slater Mill Historic Park and the existing Blackstone Bikeway path in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.

lgh home in the city program

Once completed, the project will lead to direct jobs for the tribal community, which will help spur private investment and advance resiliency throughout the region. $2,000,000, matched by $735,000 in local investment, to the Laurens County Water and Sewer Commission, Laurens/Laurens County, South Carolina, to support the construction of sewer infrastructure to serve a prime industrial corridor located in Laurens County, South Carolina. The sewer improvements will support the expansion of a Danish company representing a foreign direct investment in the region. Once completed, the project will create jobs, increase economic resiliency, attract private investment, and promote the advancement of the manufacturing industry within the region.

$130,579, matched by $32,644 in local investment, to the Beacon Charter School Corporation, Woonsocket/Providence County, Rhode Island, to support the Beacon Charter School, Corporation with conducting a feasibility study to determine the viability of a Culinary Hub at the school, to help cultivate talent and provide workforce training in the culinary arts, a Rhode Island industry cluster. The project will help provide a pipeline of workers to fill hospitality jobs, thereby assisting in the economic recovery of the area. Once completed, the study will provide information to cultivate economic opportunities for a region adversely impacted from the COVID-19 pandemic, which will help stabilize and increase the working population and boost resiliency of the local economy. The program participants will receive training that is applicable to industry-recognized credentials and will have access to equipment supporting automation, simulation, and augmented reality/virtual reality systems. The necessary hands-on and experiential learning components will strengthen and increase interactions with industry and will result in positive job placement rates, which will help the region address the significant and sudden loss of jobs caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the decline in the coal industry by enhancing job creation and retention in an area. $165,000, with no local match, to the Pueblo of Zia, San Ysidro/Sandoval County, New Mexico, to support the creation of a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy to support on-going economic development and plan for future economic development for San Ysidro, New Mexico.

lgh home in the city program

Provide advice, support and assistance to schools, colleges, and Child and Family Learning Centres to support relevant strategies and frameworks that contribute to improvement in the attendance, participation and educational outcomes of Aboriginal students. Support and assist in delivering culturally relevant programs and strategies to raise awareness and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, in consideration with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures Australian cross-curriculum priority. During the first three quarters of this year, private equity companies were involved in 725 health care services deals in the U.S. and Canada, according to a PitchBook report released on Nov. 15... As Chief Administrative Officer for the Winnebago Comprehensive Healthcare System, Ms. Frenchman works with other members of the Executive Team to manage and direct the administrative functions of the health care system. She is responsible for collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer and the Public Health Director for strategic development on a short and long-term operational plan for the Winnebago Public Health Department and Twelve Clans Unity Hospital.

Once completed, the project will assist in the region's recovery and make it more resilient to fluctuations in tourism, which will help increase employment opportunities, spur private investment, and promote economic resiliency throughout the region. The grantee estimates that this investment will help create 35 jobs, save 71 jobs, and leverage $1,600,000 in private investment. $1,932,000, matched by $483,000 in local investment, to the City of Byron, Byron/Peach County, Georgia, to support construction of water infrastructure improvements at the Benjamin Hawkins Industrial Park in Peach County, Georgia. The project adds resilience to the city’s infrastructure that will help to prevent future negative impacts from the coronavirus pandemic within the community.

lgh home in the city program

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